A altura do palco - apenas 45 centímetros, por forma a que a artista fique ao mesmo nível dos espectadores - é mesmo o único elemento da digressão "Sticky & Sweet" que recusa a grandiosidade.
Quanto ao resto, a 'tournée' tem a rodeá-la um aparato capaz de competir de igual para igual com o dos Rolling Stones e dos U2, os dois grupos que envolvem meios mais significativos nas actuações ao vivo.
Os números testemunham-no: um 'staff' de 300 pessoas (entre técnicos, dançarinos, músicos, mas também nutricionistas e massagistas), 3500 peças de figurinos, 40 camiões TIR para o equipamento ou 69 guitarras, dez das quais reservadas à própria artista.
A avaliar pelo concerto inaugural da digressão, no País de Gales, Madonna vai interpretar 20 temas ao longo de duas horas, concretizando um 'best of' da carreira ("Like a prayer", "La isla bonita", "Into the groove" e "Hung up" não deverão faltar).
O elevado profissionalismo do espectáculo - pormenor assinalado pela generalidade da imprensa dos países por onde a "Sticky & Sweet tour" já passou - não é simples obra do acaso, já que os músicos e dançarinos que vão estar em palco ensaiaram um total de 623 horas antes do arranque da "tournée".
A configuração de anfiteatro do Parque da Bela Vista é uma garantia de visibilidade, reforçada pelos dois ecrãs do palco e por outros dois colocados em zonas estratégicas do recinto.
Para garantir o bem-estar das 75 mil pessoas que povoarão o Parque da Bela Vista, estão a ser montadas 1250 casas-de-banho, 25 espaços de restauração, 34 bares e quatro cafés. Nesta " mega-operação Madonna", estarão 2000 pessoas a trabalhar no recinto, 300 delas prestando apoio ao público.
sábado, 13 de setembro de 2008
quinta-feira, 11 de setembro de 2008
God Bless you EVA!

Eva Longoria: I'm Not Pregnant, "I'm Just Fat"
Eva Longoria has put an end to weeks of rumors that she is pregnant.
"I'm just fat," she said Tuesday during an interview with Le Grand Journal with husband Tony Parker. She then burst out laughing while Parker chuckled nervously.
The 33-year-old actress is still taking a stab at motherhood -- at work, that is.
On the upcoming season of Desperate Housewives, her character will turn into an exhausted homemaker with two kids.
"Gaby is having a very tough time being the mother of two overweight, hyperactive children," creator Marc Cherry recently told Us Weekly. "But Eva is having a marvelous time playing her!"
See Us Weekly's Baby Bump Hall of Fame. To make Gabrielle look like she has two kids, Longoria has said she ate "everything in sight! Pasta ... pizza.
"Tony and I went crazy this summer!" the actress, who also stopped working out, told Entertainment Tonight.
Her other secret for looking heavier? "I have butt pads, I have thigh pads, I have stomach pads!"
"I'm just fat," she said Tuesday during an interview with Le Grand Journal with husband Tony Parker. She then burst out laughing while Parker chuckled nervously.
The 33-year-old actress is still taking a stab at motherhood -- at work, that is.
On the upcoming season of Desperate Housewives, her character will turn into an exhausted homemaker with two kids.
"Gaby is having a very tough time being the mother of two overweight, hyperactive children," creator Marc Cherry recently told Us Weekly. "But Eva is having a marvelous time playing her!"
See Us Weekly's Baby Bump Hall of Fame. To make Gabrielle look like she has two kids, Longoria has said she ate "everything in sight! Pasta ... pizza.
"Tony and I went crazy this summer!" the actress, who also stopped working out, told Entertainment Tonight.
Her other secret for looking heavier? "I have butt pads, I have thigh pads, I have stomach pads!"
Realmente ela está tão gorda que acho que a banda gástrica é a única solução!
Happy Birthday Mr. Madonna!

Look who's having fun at his own birthday bash! Guy Richie celebrates his 40th birthday with wife Madonna and their kids during a lively fete at his London pub The Punchbowl on Wednesday.
Madonna Parties with Guy on His Birthday

Happy Birthday GUY! 10 anos mais novo que a Deusa, sim, ela é SMART!
quarta-feira, 10 de setembro de 2008
Isto é que é uma fã da Madonna!
terça-feira, 9 de setembro de 2008

Talk about bouncing back! Only two months after the birth of daughter Sunday Rose, a glam Nicole Kidman is back to her pre-baby shape Monday while attending the National Movie Awards with husband Keith Urban (not pictured) at the Royal Festival Hall in London, where she's rehearsing for the movie musical Nine.

Victoria Beckham debuts a chic, cropped 'do and a new pal – the equally stylish Jennifer Lopez – on their way into the Marc Jacobs runway show Monday during Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week in New York. The pair soon took their front row seats at the New York State Armory – then headed to dinner together at Cipriani after the show.
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