POST #1000!!!!
Este post que escrevo é o post número mil.
Mil vezes partilhei fofocas.
Até este momento, dia 7 de Maio de 2008, 21h19m, o Fofocas do dia teve 38,875 visitas. Só hoje o meu bloguinho teve 118 visitas.
O dia record de visitas foi no dia 25 de Fevereiro de 2008, o dia a seguir aos Óscars com 282 visitas.
Obrigada a todos por aturarem estas minhas patetices, sou muito silly!!! Podem não acreditar mas é o meu anti-stress.
Beijos e THANKS!
quarta-feira, 7 de maio de 2008
Happy 47th Birthday George!

Em excelente forma, George Clooney comemora 47 anos ao lado da namorada.
O astro de Hollywood mostra que continua com charme imbatível
Românticos, Sarah Larson e George Clooney jantaram juntos no aniversário do ator
A cada ano o ator George Clooney parece estar melhor. Ele foi flagrado deixando um hotel em Los Angeles com sua namorada, Sarah Larson, de 29 anos, nesta terça feira, 6, para um jantar de comemoração. Em excelente forma, o ator completou 47 anos bem vividos.
Clooney e Sarah se conheceram em 2007, no resort em que ela trabalhava. Na última segunda feira, 5, o ator compareceu, elegante como sempre, a um evento de gala em Nova York, onde posou para fotos no tapete vermelho ao lado de Julia Roberts e da modelo Iman.
Românticos, Sarah Larson e George Clooney jantaram juntos no aniversário do ator
A cada ano o ator George Clooney parece estar melhor. Ele foi flagrado deixando um hotel em Los Angeles com sua namorada, Sarah Larson, de 29 anos, nesta terça feira, 6, para um jantar de comemoração. Em excelente forma, o ator completou 47 anos bem vividos.
Clooney e Sarah se conheceram em 2007, no resort em que ela trabalhava. Na última segunda feira, 5, o ator compareceu, elegante como sempre, a um evento de gala em Nova York, onde posou para fotos no tapete vermelho ao lado de Julia Roberts e da modelo Iman.
Happy Birthday daaaaaaaaaaarling!
Mariah casou!

Ai que lindo. Nem se sabia que namoravam nem nada... Apostas em quanto tempo dura o casamento??
domingo, 4 de maio de 2008
Tom Cruise Shows Oprah His Home
Fica aqui um primeiro look da entrevista. Ver no outro post como ver toda a entrevista.
Cruise makes serious Oprah return

Here are some of the highlights from the first part of his interview. (The second part – filmed in Winfrey's Chicago studio – is scheduled to air on Monday, May 5.)
• On Connor and Bella's impressions of Holmes: "Kate shows up with cupcakes. The cupcakes are there, and they all looked at me like, 'This is cool. Can we eat these cupcakes? This lady's cool.'"
• On rumors about his relationship with Holmes: "That's laughable to me. You just know that [tabloids are] trying to sell it and spin it."
• On Connor and Bella reading tabloid reports about Cruise:"They love me, so they know. They've grown up with that, and I'm sure there are things that they don't like, and you go, 'Okay, that happened, things go wrong, but don't live in it. Don't live in that because today is a new day and there's plenty of tomorrows. They're good people, my children. I'm proud of them.I don't want them to worry. They know I'm there. No matter what, I'm always there."
• On dressing like Santa to surprise Suri: "I open the door, and I'm giving my best, 'Oh, merry Christmas! Oh, look at this little girl,' and Suri looks at me, and she says, 'No – Dada!' So that night, we were putting Suri down. Kate says, 'How was it? Did you like it? What did you think of Santa?' And Suri was really sweet, she looks up, and she goes, 'Dada Santa.'"
• On whether Cruise has been misunderstood: "Listen I, I feel like definitely things have been misunderstood, and there are things I could have done better. But then there's also that world where you go, 'Oh, it's been spun to such an extent.' "
In other comments, Cruise:
-Recalled that he waxed the floor on his hands and knees so he could do a stocking-feet slide across the room in the famous "Risky Business" underwear dance scene.
-Recalled that he waxed the floor on his hands and knees so he could do a stocking-feet slide across the room in the famous "Risky Business" underwear dance scene.
-Said his comments about Shields "came out wrong," they had been friends, he apologized, and "we're better friends now."
-His Scientology faith is about helping others and respecting their religious beliefs, and is the "exact opposite" to trying to impose that belief on others.
-"I believe in God. There's no way you can be up here and believe there isn't a God."
-Said he has a "good, easy" relationship with ex-wife Nicole Kidman, and suggestions that he doesn't let her see their children are "ridiculous ... we share custody whenever."
-Described Suri as "just magic, she's joy, just joy."
At the end of the interview, Cruise and Winfrey drove off on a snowmobile to a point overlooking the mountain range.
Eu já vi a entrevista toda que me parece nitidamente publicidade para limpar a péssima imagem que o Tominho tem nesta altura em todo o mundo...
Para ver toda a entrevista clique aqui. A entrevista tem 6 partes de cerca de 10 minutos cada.
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