News cameras have captured Brad Pitt building homes in New Orleans, and now federal tax filings for the Jolie Pitt Foundation have documented the good works that Brad and Angelina Jolie are doing behind the scenes. All told, they gave more than $8 million in donations in 2006, with Pitt putting in $4,402,317, and Jolie donating $4,123,613, the Huffington Post reports, citing newly released federal tax filings. (These latest figures don't include 2007 – in which, among other charitable efforts, Brad's Make It Right Foundation raised $5 million.)In terms of dispensing their funds, according to records for 2006, the foundation handed out $2,367,935, including $1 million to both Doctors Without Borders (International Division) and to the Global AIDS Alliance. Additional gifts included $137,935 to the Namibia Red Cross Action Program (their daughter Shiloh was born in the African country); $100,000 to the Daniel Pearl Foundation (the late journalist's widow, Marianne Pearl, was played by Jolie in A Mighty Heart); $100,000 to Global Green U.S.A. and to the Epidermolysis Bulloma Medical Research Foundation. In addition, $20,000 went to an art park in Los Angeles, as did separate $5,000 donations to two orphanages that Jolie had visited.
More Good WorksIn terms of Pitt's work in Louisiana, Jolie's costar in the movie Wanted, Morgan Freeman, told PEOPLE Thursday at the Pathfinders to Peace Forum and Gala, "We were in contact with Brad about the situation in New Orleans" – and he called Jolie "such a wonderful woman." Said Freeman: "Aside from all that physical beauty, she's a real person."
More Good WorksIn terms of Pitt's work in Louisiana, Jolie's costar in the movie Wanted, Morgan Freeman, told PEOPLE Thursday at the Pathfinders to Peace Forum and Gala, "We were in contact with Brad about the situation in New Orleans" – and he called Jolie "such a wonderful woman." Said Freeman: "Aside from all that physical beauty, she's a real person."