The couple was accompanied by all of their kids — Maddox, 7, Pax, 5, Zahara, 4, Shiloh, 2, and 6-month-old twins Knox Leon and Vivienne Marcheline (Brad and Knox wore matching newsboy caps! Angie held Vivienne.)
The family is in town to premiere Brad’s latest film The Curious Case of Benjamin Button.
“Our kids are always packing,” Angie has said. “They like to pack; it’s a game in our house. It can get very hard trying to find 20 minutes to close your eyes if you’ve been up since four in the morning. We travel so much, we never have to adjust. We change school time to four in the afternoon if we have to!”
Oh meu Deus, haverá casal e filhos mais lindos? Que maravilha! E o bonézinho do Knox (baby-boy)?! Ai que queridooooooooooo!!!!!!!!